Bug Sweeping Birmingham

Bug Sweep Birmingham.

Our surveillance experts offer bug sweeping in Birmingham using comprehensive TSCM (Technical Security Counter Measures), in the local area and throughout the UK. Our experienced bug detection operatives are equipped with high quality technology to locate listening devices, and the knowledge to disconnect them for your peace of mind and security.

National Bug Sweeping in Birmingham also offers expert and thorough bug scanning services across the UK. Our bug detection operatives are experts in surveillance / counter surveillance, so we uncover hidden recording devices and dispose of them in a careful and discreet manner. Whether you are encountering issues in your personal or professional life, or with your vehicle, our Birmingham Bug Sweep service is here to help.

Office Bug Detection Birmingham.

An office bug sweep could help protect your company data, as fraud and corporate espionage is on the rise.

Bugs can be placed by those seeking to gain data from your company to gather information, trade secrets, client details or financial dealings.

Your own employees or cleaners could place bugs, such as an unhappy employee wishing to gather evidence of a manager or colleague they believe is treating them unfairly, or perhaps even a bribed cleaner. They may be gathering evidence for an employment tribunal, to leak data to other companies, or in order to steal clients for themselves. Motives can be as complex as full corporate espionage, or as simple as an employee wishing to embarrass someone.

bug sweep Birmingham
bug sweeping Birmingham

Vehicle Bug Sweep Birmingham.

You may suspect that your car has been bugged in order to track your movements by an ex, or a current partner (which is becoming more commonplace with the increasing popularity of online dating). Or perhaps if you have a company vehicle, your employer may have placed a bug and tracker on your car so that they can both trace your movements and hear your conversations.

So we provide a professional car sweep to search for a combination of bugs and vehicle trackers.

We will perform an extensive TSCM search on both the inside and outside of your car or van in order to locate and disable the bug, removing it so you can drive without being tracked.

Once we have established the presence of bugs and removed them, we provide a report to detail our findings as evidence, so you can present this to the person(s) you believe are responsible.

Home Bug Sweeping Birmingham.

It can be upsetting to have a bug sweep of your own home so we take every measure to make sure you are comfortable as possible whilst we carry out work. We provide a full bug sweeping service including 2G to 5G, RF, WIFI and Bluetooth analysis, NLJD, Thermal Imaging, Forensic lighting, Lens finder searches plus an in-depth physical inspection.

We check every room including the walls, ceilings, sockets and telephones for bugs. We can also conduct forensic analysis on your own devices, such as your laptop, computer and mobile phones.

Full bug sweeping of a home can take several hours, even days sometimes, but we are very flexible to fit around your schedule and also as discreet as possible. We ensure a comprehensive and thorough TSCM sweep of your home for your peace of mind.

Once complete we remove any detected bugs and provide you with a written report.

Birmingham bug detection
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