National Bug Sweeping London & UK
Professional Bug Sweeping in London & UK
Specialist services for bug sweeping in London and the UK with 24 hour deployment. Enquire now to book an experienced bug detection operative quickly and discreetly.
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020 7126 8492
Rapid deployment Bug Sweeping within 24hrs
National Bug Sweeping in London offers an expert and thorough bug sweep service across the capital and throughout the UK. As TSCM professionals we are fully trained in both surveillance and counter surveillance, and can discover hidden bugs and evidence, disposing of them for you all in a careful and discreet manner. Whether you are encountering issues in your personal or professional life, or with your vehicle, National Bug Sweeping is here to help.
As the leading TSCM (Technical Surveillance Counter Measures) service in London and across the UK, we can help you to achieve a greater amount of security at home or at work. You can rely on us to work with discretion and professionalism in any setting, at any time of the day.

National support
No matter where you are in the UK, we can get to you to provide the bug sweeping you need. You can call on us for a 24/7 service to suit your needs.
Top of the line tech
We have the technology to back up our expertise, helping us to detect bugs that might otherwise be completely hidden to the naked eye.
Rapid Response
We know the importance of being able to deploy bug detection at your home, office, hotel room or vehicle within a quick time frame.
Bug Sweeping London & UK

Office Bug Sweeping
We have a wealth of experience in locating bugs in professional organisations. Whether you want to check a boardroom before a sensitive meeting or have us sweep your entire offices for bugs placed by competitors, we have the tools to do it.

Vehicle Bug Sweeping
Do you suspect that your vehicle has been bugged or is tracked? If so, a third party could be aware of where you go in your vehicle, invading your privacy. We can detect a variety of different bug types with our state of the art technology.

Home Bug Sweeping
It is never easy to uncover that a loved one has been spying on you, and feeling unsafe at home can be one of the worst feelings. We can get to the bottom of your suspicions and locate bugs around your home to help you feel safe again.
Why Choose National Bug Sweeping?
Professional expertise
Our investigators are fully trained in bug sweeping whether in a personal or professional setting, without interrupting the daily flow of your life more than necessary.
Quick response
We know that bug sweeping can be a time sensitive issue, so we can be available when you need us in London and across the wider UK. We aim to be with you within 24 hours and often the same day.
Fair and transparent pricing
We will give you all costings up front, with bug sweeps being available from £600 upwards.
Discreet service
We operate highly discreetly. We don't turn up in a sign written van “TSCM” and wearing TSCM printed t-shirts for the world to see. Our presence can go completely undetected, often disguising ourselves as IT technicians or similar. Rest assured if you are being watched by a surveillance team the opposing party will not know of our presence.
Do you need expert bug sweeping support?
We will work with you to investigate any suspicions that you or your place of work has been bugged. Bugging is an increasingly common and concerning problem – with the growing easily accessibility of TSCM devices, you don’t need to be an expert to fit them. However, it helps to have an expert on hand to locate and remove these devices and reclaim your safety and privacy. Our advanced equipment consists of spectrum analysers, NLJD, Thermal imaging cameras, Wideband RF detectors. We can locate bugs in walls, floors, ceilings, even if devices are turned off or not transmitting. We are also equipped to run forensic analysis of your personal devices for any unwelcome tracking, and our GSM bug scanners are able to detect any sort of data, video and audio listening devices that have been concealed to gather intelligence. Bugs can be placed anywhere around the home, office, or even on your vehicle – we will systematically and thoroughly conduct a physical search of every inch of your premises to ensure that you are safe and that your private information remains protected.