Office Bug Sweeping
UK Office Bug Sweeping Service
Commercial and business settings are some of the most common areas where TSCM counter surveillance is needed. National Bug Sweeping offers a comprehensive bug sweep in London and across the country. Our experienced team has been equipped with high quality technology to locate bugs, and the knowledge to disconnect these bugs so you know your workplace is secure.
Each of our skilled operatives work with top of the line technology and cutting edge techniques. You can trust us to do a thorough job, no matter the size of your organisation.
Why you might need an office bug sweep
Protecting your company data is more important than ever in the present day. With an increasing amount of fraud and corporate espionage situations being exposed, your reliance on easily traceable forms of communication can leave you more vulnerable than you might think.
In offices and other business environments, it is not uncommon for bugs to be placed by those seeking to gather data from your company. This might be placed by a direct competitor who wants to learn information or trade secrets, and could even lead to them leaking details to the press, investors, or even clients in order to show your company in a poor light. In less extreme circumstances – which can still have a major impact on your business dealings and finances – you may find staff or clients being poached by other companies due to data they have gathered with hidden surveillance devices.
Your own employees or cleaners might place these devices. This can be due to something as simple as a disgruntled employee wishing to gather evidence of a manager or colleague they believe is treating them unfairly, or perhaps even a bribed cleaner. They may be gathering this evidence in order to present it at an employment tribunal, or perhaps just to prove a point. However, employees can also be working to leak data to other companies, or in order to steal clients for themselves. Motives can be as complex as full corporate espionage, or as simple as an employee wishing to embarrass someone.

Pre meeting and live monitoring sweep
We conduct pre meeting sweeps. This inspection is designed to identify eavesdropping devices in a specific room prior to a sensitive meeting. On completion of the inspection, we recommend securing each room until the meeting takes place.
Once the meeting is taking place we also conduct live monitoring. Live monitoring is generally conducted discreetly by two TSCM technicians. After baselining the RF environment prior to a sensitive meeting, the technicians can identify any devices which start to transmit during the meeting.
What kinds of business we work with
At National Bug Sweeping, we work with businesses of all sizes and types to help them weed out the bugs in their midst. We have the right equipment to carry out a thorough bug sweep in either a concentrated area or across several floors of a building, with our trained operatives having a keen eye for detail. If you work in an office of any kind, our service may be necessary for you – whether your business is a factory, a legal setting, a council office, or a small private company.
The important thing to remember is that just because you have a high level company with excellent security systems in place, that does not mean you are invulnerable to being bugged. A bug sweep might turn up some unexpected surprises. Even companies with the tightest security can be impacted, mostly due to the increasingly unobtrusive and easy to obtain nature of bugs in the modern day. With a growing awareness of bugs amongst the general population, and potentially your staff and competitors, it really is a case of erring on the side of caution.